Rakesh H Dube, CEO, CardioAxis
CardioAxis Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
We integrate Experience and Talent and focus on Innovation with Science and technology to defeat disease together with a TEAM whose expertise in their specific responsibilities are their core strengths and competencies .
The world's healthcare needs are constantly changing. With evolving science and technology we can meet today's expectations. To succeed, we have partnered with experience and expertise to help us stay ahead of the curve and provide an end to end Solution that matters most.
In today's prevalent scenario. We collaborate scientific innovative technologies with the intention to save the lives of millions of people. Diversity of scientific approach helps us to embrace innovative ideas and by blending that with seamless integration of our capabilities in CardioAxis and Selezione Diagnostics, we are uniquely positioned to achieve medical solutions for patients and society.
As life advances- We put ourselves to test day in, day out. All together..... With enthusiasm for new ideas. Through bold ideas and unprecedented insights, we’re pioneering new possibilities that advance life for all of us.
CardioAxis strives for excellence committed to continually make a positive impact for people. We infuse passion, optimism and vision into everything we do. We are continuously working on breakthrough technologies to transform lives, today and for generations to come.
Tenacity is the anchor to OVERCOME any challenge. It's what keeps you there, keeps you trying, keeps you driven to find that answer..... Driven by science and inspired by the unmet needs of the patients.
We invest in creating better futures. Our focus and capabilities address tough challenges that will lead to improved lives.
We are Committed to deliver innovative solutions that help patients prevail not only over CAD but even over arrhythmias and STRUCTURAL HEART AILMENTS.
710, Goyal Trade Center, Shantivan, Borivali East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400066
+91 22 40161318
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